quinta-feira, 1 de junho de 2017

Useful Sentences in English VI

       Calling/phoning other people 

  • Who is this, please?
  • This is ... ... speaking.
  • Is...(name)...there?
  • Pick up the phone?
  • I'll phone/call back later.
  • I've got the wrong number.
  • Please leave a message after the beep.
  • Can I take a message?
  • Can I speak to ..., please?
  • Just a moment, please.
  • I'll ring you at about ...
  • Thank you for calling/ringing.
  • I must hang up now.
  • I can't get through.
  • The line's busy.
  • There is no reply.
  • This is a bad connection.
  • Can I use my cell phone/mobile?

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