segunda-feira, 5 de junho de 2017

Useful English sentences VIII

               Resultado de imagem para heroes at the supermarket                            At a supermarket 

  1. There is a supermarket near here.
  2. What can I get there?
  3. You can get there nearly everything?
  4. Women's clothes is on the second floor.
  5. I prefer the blue blouse to the yellow blouse.
  6. I haven't seen such a big supermarket before.
  7. How much are the tomatoes?
  8. I'm coming back in the next days.
  9. I like shopping with a friend.
  10. How can I get to the nearest station/bus stop from here?

             At a souvenir shop 

  1. A newspaper/magazine, please.
  2. Can I have a town map, please?
  3. Have you got picture postcards?
  4. I need stamps too.
  5. I was here last week.
  6. How much is everything?
  7. Can you repeat the price, please?
  8. Here you are. Thank you very much.
  9. I like going to souvenir shops.
  10. The shop assistant was very friendly, wasn't he/she?

            Going to the cinema 

  1. I like watching movies/films.
  2. I prefer going to the movies/cinema because it's more interesting.
  3. What's on at the movies/cinema?
  4. How much is a/the ticket?
  5. Are there any tickets for Saturday?
  6. I'm interested in crime and adventure movies/films.
  7. Last week I watched "Independence Day".
  8. My favourite actor/actress is ......
  9. What about going to the movies/cinema together?
  10. The film was exciting, not boring.

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