quarta-feira, 31 de maio de 2017

Useful Sentences in English V

        Free time/ For fun/ Hobbies 

  • My favourite hobby is playing snooker.
  • I like listening to pop-music.
  • At weekends, I sometimes go to a disco or to the cinema/movies.
  • I listen to bands like ...
  • I'm interested in punk rock.
  • While listening to hard-rock I can get everything off my chest.
  • In summer, I like to go swimming.
  • In winter, I go skiing.
  • I like visiting friends and talking about this and that.
  • My friend and I do lots of jigsaw puzzles.
  • Playing soccer/football is fun.
  • One of my hobbies is writing letters to my pen-friends.
  • Sometimes I read so much that I forget the housework.
  • When the weather is bad, I read books or watch TV.
  • I enjoy working on the computer.
  • Once a week I do some volleyball practice.
  • I go training/jogging every evening.
  • When it's not so hot, I go bicycling.
  • When I am on holidays I like walking in the mountains.
  • On Saturdays, I have to cook for my family.
  • I pick my cousin up at the kindergarten.
  • Now and then I do babysitting.

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