quarta-feira, 7 de junho de 2017

Commonly Confused Words Part II

                       Resultado de imagem para confusing words

When do we use since and for?

sincea point in time (starting time of the action)He has been playing tennis since four o'clock.
since 1996
since Christmas
since last year
since my childhood
fora period of time (how long something lasts)He has been playing tennis for two hours.
for three hours
for a week
for 10 minutes
for a long time

looksee or watch

When do we use look, see and watch?
lookto pay attention, to try to see what is there; seemLook at the board, please.
look up (e.g. dictionary)You can look up the words in the dictionary.
seevisual impression come to the eyesCan you see the blue car over there?
understandsee what you mean.
watchlook for a time; like to lookHe watches TV in the evenings.

life, live or lives

When do we use life and when live, lives?
live [lɪv]to live (verb)I live in France.
he lives [lɪvz]Peter lives in Poland.
life [laɪf]state of livingI read a book about the life of Mark Twain.
lives [laɪvz]plural of lifeMany people lost their lives in the war.
live [laɪv]not recordedWe watched the live coverage of the Formula I.
not deadWe really saw a live rattlesnake.

listen or hear

When do we use listen and hear?
hearto be aware of sounds in your earsI can hear music in Peter's room.
listen (to)to pay attention to sb./sth. that you can hearPeter often listens to music when he's at home.

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