quinta-feira, 8 de junho de 2017

Commonly Confused Words Part III

                Imagem relacionada                                       which or what

When do we use which and what?
whichYou have a limited choice of things.Which lemonade do you like – green or pink?
whatYou have an unlimited choice of things.What lemonade do you like?
With nouns that refer to people, sometimes which is used – even if there is an unlimited choice.
It is often possible to use what or which, like in the following example.
  • What is the largest country in the world?
  • Which is the largest country in the world?
BUT – if you choose sth from a group of things, use which.
  • Here are three apples. Which one would you like?

who's or whose

When do we use who's and whose?
who'scontracted form of who isWho's from Wales? = Who is from Wales?
contracted form of who hasWho's broken the window? = Who has broken the window?
whosepossessiveWhose textbook is this?

this, that – these, those

When do we use the this and that  these/those?
We use:
  • this and that in the singular,
  • these and those in the Plural.
Generally speaking, we use this/these to refer to people and things, situations and experiences that are close to the speaker or very close in time. We use that/those to refer to people and things, situations and experiences that are more distant, either in time or physically.
  • This is a great game. (We are watching the game.)
  • That was a great game. (The game is over.)

The demonstrative determiner and the demonstrative pronoun

demonstrative determiner (together with a noun): This book is new.
demonstrative pronoun (stand on its own): This is a new book.

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