The date in English – Writing and Spelling
How to say the year
You write | You say |
1900 | nineteen hundred |
1901 | nineteen hundred (and) one |
nineteen oh-one | |
1995 | nineteen ninety-five |
2000 | two thousand |
twenty hundred | |
2002 | two thousand (and) two |
twenty oh-two | |
2010 | two thousand (and) ten |
twenty ten |
You normally split up the year in tens.
1985 is split up in 19 and 85. (You say: nineteen eighty-five).
From 2000 until 2009 the year is normally not split up.
- 2000 = two thousand
- 2001 = two thousand (and) one
The word and is often left out. From 2010 on the year is split up again.
2010 is split up in 20 and 10. (You say: twenty ten).
2. Writing and saying the date in British English
rule: day – month – year
Day | Month | Year | |||
You write: | 1st | January, | 2010 | ||
You say: | the | first | of | January | twenty ten |
Note: The two letters at the end of the number and the comma are often left out.
3. Writing and saying the date in American English
rule: month – day – year
Month | Day | Year | ||
You write: | January | 1st, | 2010 | |
You say: | January | (the)* | first | twenty ten |
* The definite article ›the‹ can be left out.
4. Sample sentences and the correct prepositions:
- I was born in 1999. (Use in with the year.)
- I was born in August. (Use in with the month.)
- I was born on 12th May, 2000. (Use on in the complete date.)
5. Abbreviations BC, AD, BCE, CE
Sometimes BC or AD is added after the year.
- 1060 BC (ten sixty Before Christ)
- 1060 AD (ten sixty Anno Domini) – This is Latin for in the year of the Lord.
The abbrevations BCE or CE are becoming more and more common today.
- 1060 BCE (ten sixty Before the Common/Current/Christian Era)
- 1060 CE (ten sixty Common/Current/Christian Era)
- 1060 BC = 1060 BCE
- 1060 AD = 1060 CE
6. Note
It is common to use numbers instead of months.
British English
- 13-11-2010
- 13/11/2010
- 13.11.2010
American English
- 11-13-2010
- 11/13/2010
- 11.13.2010
If you write 4/8/2011, it is the 4th August 2011 in Britain, but it is April 8th, 2011 in the USA.
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