quarta-feira, 3 de maio de 2017

Yes/No questions – be (am, are, is)

Yes/No questions and short answers with the verb be

Yes/No questions – be (am, are, is)

Subject and verb change their position in statement and question.
  • Sentence: You are from Brazil.
  • Question: Are you from Brazil?
We always use the short answer, not only Yes or No.
If the answer is Yes, we always use the long form. → Example: Yes, I am.
If the answer is No, we either use the long or the contracted form (short form). → Example: No, I am not → No, I'mnot.
Areyoufrom Brazil?Yes,Iam.
Areyoufrom Brazil?No,Iam not
'm not.
Isheyour friend?Yes,heis.
ArePeter and Johnfrom England?Yes,theyare.

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