quarta-feira, 3 de maio de 2017

Questions with have and have got

Questions with have and have got

1. Yes/No Questions and short answers

1.1. have as a main verb

AuxiliarySubjectVerbRestYes/NoSubjectAuxiliary (+ n't)
Doyouhavea cat?Yes,Ido.
Doyouhavea new car? No,wedon't.
Doesyour brother havea bike? Yes,hedoes.

1.2. have as auxiliary (have got)

AuxiliarySubjectVerbRestYes/NoSubjectAuxiliary (+ n't)
Haveyougota cat?Yes,Ihave.
Haveyougota new car?No,wehaven't.
Hasyour brothergota bike?Yes,hehas.

2. Questions with question words (Wh-questions)

2.1. have as a main verb

Questions wordAuxiliarySubjectVerbRestAnswer
Wheredoyouhaveyour ruler?I have it in my pencil case.

2.2. have as auxiliary (have got)

Questions wordAuxiliarySubjectVerbRestAnswer
Wherehaveyougotyour ruler?I've got it in my pencil case.
  • In American English we only use have. In this case have is a main verb. So we need the auxiliary do for questions and short answers.
  • In British English we usually use have got. In this case have is an auxiliary.

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