terça-feira, 30 de maio de 2017

Useful Sentences in English IV

School life 

  • I'm sorry, I couldn't write earlier because I was ill.
  • Thanks for the letter and the wonderful photos of your hometown.
  • It was interesting to hear about school life in Britain.
  • I attend the "name of the school".
  • It's a "type of school".
  • How much homework do you get every day?
  • In your letter you asked me to tell you something about schools in Saxony.
  • There are 15 boys and 12 girls in my class.
  • My friends and I don't get very good marks.
  • We like jokes better than school.
  • I studied for the English test all evening.
  • How are you and how are you enjoying your job?
  • Tell me about your working hours, your pay and your holidays.
  • I'm going to start an apprenticeship as a mechanic on August 1st.
  • It's very difficult to get an interesting job here.
  • In September I have to start work.
  • I have made up my mind to become a nurse.
  • I can write good stories when I feel like it.
  • I don't like school very much.
  • I'm planning to visit Wales next year.
  • Now I have to finish this letter.
  • The sun is shining and therefore we want to go swimming.
  • I'm looking forward to getting your letter.

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