quarta-feira, 3 de maio de 2017

which or what

which or what

When do we use which and what?

whichYou have a limited choice of things.Which lemonade do you like – green or pink?
whatou have an unlimited choice of things.What lemonade do you like?
With nouns that refer to people, sometimes which is used – even if there is an unlimited choice.
It is often possible to use what or which, like in the following example.
  • What is the largest country in the world?
  • Which is the largest country in the world?
BUT – if you choose sth from a group of things, use which.
  • Here are three apples. Which would you like?

Word order in English questions

Word order in English questions – Summary

1. Questions without question words and be

Subject and verb change their position in statement and question.
  • Sentence: You are from Brazil.
  • Question: Are you from Brazil?
We always use the short answer, not only Yes or No. That's why questions without question words are also called YES/NO-questions.

2. Questions with question words and be

Question wordVerbSubjectRestAnswer
Whereareyou from?I am from London.
I'm from London.
Whatisyour name? My name is Peter.
HowarePat and Sue? They are fine.
They're fine.
Questions with question words are also called WH-questions.

3. Questions without question words and have

AuxiliarySubjectVerbRestYes/NoSubjectAuxiliary (+ n't)
Haveyougota cat?Yes,Ihave.
Haveyougota new car?No,wehaven't.
Hasyour brothergota bike?Yes,hehas.
Doyouhavea cat? Yes,Ido.
Doyouhavea new car? No,wedon't.
Doesyour brother havea bike? Yes,hedoes.

4. Questions with question words and have

Question wordAuxiliarySubjectVerbRestAnswer
Wherehaveyougotyour ruler?I've got it in my pencil case.
Wheredoyouhaveyour ruler?I have it in my pencil case.

5. Questions without question words in the Simple Present

AuxiliarySubjectVerbRestYes/NoSubjectAuxiliary (+ n't)

6. Questions with question words in the Simple Present

Question wordAuxiliarySubjectVerbRestAnswer
Whatdoyouplayon your computer?I play games on my computer.
Whendoesyour mothergoto work?She goes to work at 6 o'clock.

7. Questions without question words in the Simple Past

AuxiliarySubjectVerbRestYes/NoSubjectAuxiliary (+ n't)
to beSubjectRestYes/NoSubjectAuxiliary (+ n't)
Wereyouin London last week?Yes,

8. Questions with question words in the Simple Past

Question wordAuxiliarySubjectVerbRestAnswer
Whatdidyouplayyesterday evening?I played computer games.
Question wordto beSubjectRestAnswer
Wherewereyouyesterday?I was at the cinema.

9. Subject question

Question wordVerbRestSubjectVerbRest
Whorunsto the shop?Peterrunsto the shop.

10. Object question

Question wordAuxiliarySubjectVerbRestAnswer
WhodidMandyphonelast Monday?Mandy phoned her uncle.
Subject questionObject question
Who phoned John?Who did John phone?

Yes/No questions – be (am, are, is)

Yes/No questions and short answers with the verb be

Yes/No questions – be (am, are, is)

Subject and verb change their position in statement and question.
  • Sentence: You are from Brazil.
  • Question: Are you from Brazil?
We always use the short answer, not only Yes or No.
If the answer is Yes, we always use the long form. → Example: Yes, I am.
If the answer is No, we either use the long or the contracted form (short form). → Example: No, I am not → No, I'mnot.
Areyoufrom Brazil?Yes,Iam.
Areyoufrom Brazil?No,Iam not
'm not.
Isheyour friend?Yes,heis.
ArePeter and Johnfrom England?Yes,theyare.

terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2017


Prepositions of place

Resultado de imagem para prepositions of place

Prepositions of time and place

Resultado de imagem para prepositions of time

Prepositions of directions

Resultado de imagem para prepositions of direction


Prepositions of place and direction

Sentences with prepositions of place and direction

abovehigher than sth.The picture hangs above my bed.
acrossfrom one side to the other sideYou mustn't go across this road here.
There isn't a bridge across the river.
afterone follows the otherThe cat ran after the dog.
After you.
againstdirected towards sth.The bird flew against the window.
alongin a line; from one point to anotherThey're walking along the beach.
amongin a groupI like being among people.
aroundin a circular wayWe're sitting around the campfire.
at*position at a pointI arrived at the meeting.
behindat the back ofOur house is behind the supermarket.
belowlower than sth.Death Valley is 86 metres below sea level.
besidenext toOur house is beside the supermarket.
betweensth./sb. is on each sideOur house is between the supermarket and the school.
bynearHe lives in the house by the river.
close tonearOur house is close to the supermarket.
downfrom high to lowHe came down the hill.
fromthe place where it startsDo you come from Tokyo?
in front ofthe part that is in the direction it facesOur house is in front of the supermarket.
insideopposite of outsideYou shouldn't stay inside the castle.
in*place seen in three dimensionsWe slept in the car.
larger areasI was born in England.
intoentering sth.You shouldn't go into the castle.
nearclose toOur house is near the supermarket.
next tobesideOur house is next to the supermarket.
offaway from sth.The cat jumped off the roof.
on*touches a surfaceThere is a fly on the table.
is seen as a point on a lineWe were on the way from Paris to Rome.
by a lake or seaLondon lies on the Thames.
ontomoving to a placeThe cat jumped onto the roof.
oppositeon the other sideOur house is opposite the supermarket.
out ofleaving sth.The cat jumped out of the window.
outsideopposite of insideCan you wait outside?
overabove sth./sb.The cat jumped over the wall.
pastgoing near sth./sb.Go past the post office.
roundin a circleWe're sitting round the campfire.
throughgoing from one point to the other pointYou shouldn't walk through the forest.
totowards sth./sb.I like going to Australia.
Can you come to me?
I've never been to Africa.
towardsin the direction of sth.We ran towards the castle.
underbelow sth.The cat is under the table.
upfrom low to highHe went up the hill.

segunda-feira, 1 de maio de 2017

Prepositions In, On, At

Prepositions – inon, at

The prepositions atinon
As there are no rules when atin or on are used, we recommend to remember phrases with the prepositions.
atShe sits at the desk.
Open your books at page 10.
The bus stops at Graz.
I stay at my grandmother's.
I stand at the door.
Look at the top of the page.
The car stands at the end of the street.
Can we meet at the corner of the street?
I met John at a party.
Write this information at the beginning of the letter.
Pat wasn't at home yesterday.
I study economics at university.
The childen are at gandmother's.
He's looking at the park.
He always arrives late at school.
inWe sit in the room.
I see a house in the picture.
There are trout in the river.
He lives in Paris.
I found the picture in the paper.
He sits in the corner of the room.
There is a big tree in the middle of the garden.
He sits in the back of the car.
We arrive in Madrid.
He gets in the car.
She likes walking in the rain.
My cousin lives in the country.
There are kites in the sky.
He plays in the street. (BE)
She lives in a hotel.
The boys stand in a line.
He is in town.
I have to stay in bed.
The robber is in prison now.
You mustn't park your car in front of the school.
onThe map lies on the desk.
The picture is on page 10.
The photo hangs on the wall.
He lives on a farm.
Dresden lies on the river Elbe.
Men's clothes are on the second floor.
He lives on Heligoland.
The shop is on the left.
My friend is on the way to Moscow.
When she was a little girl people saw unrealistic cowboy films on television.