terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2018

Phrasal Verbs With "Turn"

Turn against

  • Meaning: Rebel or oppose to something formerly supported
  • ExampleThey turned against their leader.

Turn against

  • Meaning: Set against or in opposition to something
  • Example: She turned her umbrella against the wind.

Turn against

  • Meaning: Use to the disadvantage or injury of
  • ExampleThey turned their arms against their former allies.
“Turn around” meaning – Phrasal Verbs with TURN.

Turn around

  • Meaning: Physically rotate horizontally 360 degrees
  • ExampleTurn around once or twice so I can see your new dress.

Turn around

  • Meaning: Change to the opposite direction from a previous position
  • ExampleShe turned her position around and now she is in favor of the merger.

Turn around

  • Meaning: Reverse the expected outcome of a game, usually from a losing position to a winning one
  • ExampleThe team really turned it around in the second half for a great win.

Turn around

  • Meaning: Reverse a trend, usually towards a more favorable outcome
  • ExampleThe new management team has really turned the company around and they expect a good profit next year.

Turn around

  • Meaning: Be duplicitous
  • ExampleYou can’t just turn around and say that it was all my fault.

Turn around

  • Meaning: Consider from a different viewpoint
  • ExampleLet’s turn that around and look at it from another angle.

Turn around

  • Meaning: Produce; to output; to generate
  • ExampleWe can turn around 500 units by next week.

Turn around

  • Meaning: Effect a positive reversal of a trend
  • ExampleLet’s turn this around 180 degrees and enjoy the rest of our vacation.

Turn around

  • Meaning: Make a situation worse by trying to make it better
  • ExampleThey turned it around 360 degrees and now they’re losing even more money.
“Turn off” meaning – Phrasal Verbs with TURN.

Turn off

  • Meaning: Power down; to stop a device by switching it off
  • ExampleTurn off the machine and unplug it when you leave.

Turn off

  • Meaning: Repulse, disgust, or discourage
  • ExampleCigarette smoking really turns me off.

Turn off

  • Meaning: Leave a road; to exit
  • ExampleTurn off at the next exit so we can have lunch.
“Turn on” meaning – Phrasal Verbs with TURN.

Turn on

  • Meaning: Depend upon; to pivot around, to have as a central subject
  • ExampleThe argument turned on the question of whether or not jobs would be lost.

Turn on

  • Meaning: Power up (a device), to start, to cause to start operating
  • Example: Please turn the lights on so I can see what I’m reading.

Turn on

  • Meaning: Start operating; to power up, to become on
  • ExampleMy computer won’t turn on.

Turn on

  • Meaning: Violently rebel against; to suddenly attack
  • ExampleSuddenly all his friends turned on him.

Turn on

  • Meaning: Fill with enthusiasm; to intoxicate, give pleasure to
  • ExampleAttractive packaging can turn buyers on to a product.

Turn out

  • Meaning: Result; end up
  • ExampleI had hoped our first meeting would turn out better.
“Turn out” meaning – Phrasal Verbs with TURN.

Turn out

  • Meaning: Attend; show up
  • ExampleHundreds of people turned out to see the parade.

Turn out

  • Meaning: Extinguish a light or other device
  • ExampleTurn out the lights before you leave.

Turn out

  • Meaning: Become apparent or known
  • ExampleIt turns out that he just made a lucky guess.

Turn out

  • Meaning: Produce; make
  • ExampleThe bakery turns out three hundred pies each day.

Turn out

  • Meaning: Leave a road
  • ExampleTurn out at the third driveway.

Turn out

  • Meaning: Remove from a mould, bowl etc.
  • ExampleTurn out the dough onto a board and shape it.

Turn out

  • Meaning: Refuse service or shelter; to eject or evict
  • ExampleThe hotel staff hastened to turn out the noisy drunk.

Turn back

  • Meaning: Reverse direction and retrace one’s steps
  • ExampleRealising he had forgotten his briefcase, he turned back to the office.

Turn back

  • Meaning: Return to a previous state of being
  • ExampleOnce we take this decision, there’s no turning back.

Turn back

  • Meaning: Prevent or refuse to allow passage or progress
  • ExampleThe soldiers turned back all the refugees at the frontier.

Turn back

  • Meaning: Adjust to a previous setting
  • ExampleIn Autumn we normally turn the clocks back one hour.

Turn back

  • Meaning: Fold something back; to fold down
  • ExampleWhen you make the bed, please always turn the sheet back over the blanket.
“Turn down” meaning – Phrasal Verbs with TURN.

Turn down

  • Meaning: Refuse, decline, or deny
  • ExampleHe turned down all our offers of help.

Turn down

  • Meaning: Reduce the power, etc. of something by means of a control, such as the volume, heat, or light
  • ExampleWhen it starts to boil, turn down the heat to a simmer.

Turn down

  • Meaning: Reposition by turning, flipping, etc. in a downward direction
  • ExampleTurn down the blankets to let them air out.

Turn in

  • Meaning: Submit something; to give
  • ExampleHe turned in his paperwork to the main office.

Turn in

  • Meaning: Relinquish; give up; to tell on someone to the authorities
  • ExampleThe thief finally turned himself in at the police station.

Turn in

  • Meaning: Go to sleep; retire to bed
  • ExampleI’m tired, so I think I’ll turn in early tonight.

Turn into

  • Meaning: Transform into; become
  • ExampleThe carriage turned into a pumpkin at midnight.

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