quarta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2017

American Popular Expressions

                              Resultado de imagem para raining cats and dogs

raining cats and dogs: heavy rain; a large rainfall.
It's raining cats and dogs outside!
heavy rain
rain or shine: an event will go as planned, regardless of the weather.
Don't worry about the concert getting cancelled. It's going to happen--rain or shine.
heavy rain
rake over the coals: to be very angry at someone and express that anger verbally.
She raked him over the coals for smoking inside the house.
man smoking
read between the lines: to have the ability to read for detail or compehend information beyond what is written.
It's important to learn how to read between the lines so that you can avoid being tricked into believing someting that isn't true.
ready or not, here I come: I'm going to do something right now. It doesn't matter if you or anyone else is prepared.

Ready or not, here I come!
man entering office
ready, willing, and able: prepared and eager to do something.
He's ready, willing, and able to defend himself if anyone ever attacks him.
man with sword
reinvent the wheel: to create something that has already been created; to do work that has already been done.
You can easily find lessons online for your students. You don't have to reinvent the wheel.
right up one's alley: an area of a person's expertise; something that a person knows well how to do.
Astronomy is right up Jacob's alley. That's why he wants to become an astronomer someday.
rise to the occassion: to quickly learn how to do something; to adapt.
His wife is out of town for the next week, so he has to rise to the occassion and take care of their baby.
father taking care of baby
rob the cradle: an older person marries or has a romantic relationship with someone much younger.
Joanne robbed the cradle when she married a man 15 years younger than she is.
roll up one's sleeves: prepare to work.

It's time to roll up our sleeves and get back to work.
rolling up one's sleeves
rub someone the wrong way: to bother another person; to cause dislike but without a clear reason.
Henry doesn't like to answer her questions because she rubs him the wrong way.
man driving

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