quarta-feira, 5 de julho de 2017

American Popular Expressions "D"

                               Resultado de imagem para damage control

damage control: to fix a problem, usually used with the verb "do."
Clint made his girlfriend angry because of something he said, so now he has to do damage control.
man and woman talking
damaged goods: a person who has gone through a difficult experience; this can also be used for a thing that is broken.
After her boyfriend broke up with her, Monique feels like she's damaged goods.
broken heart
(one's) days are numbered: to have a sickness that will result in death; to be at the end of a period of time.
Due to an aggressive form of lung cancer, Geraldo knows that his days are numbered.

man sneezing
dead as a doornail: dead
That fish washed up on the shore is dead as a doornail.

dead fish

deal me in: make me a part of an agreement; I agree.
I like your ideas and I want to be a part of this. Deal me in.
man and woman
(not) deal with a full deck: to be crazy.
It's obvious that Tara isn't dealing with a full deck these day. Look at what she's done to herself.
die with one's boots on: to die while working at one's job; to die in the line of duty.
I don't plan to die with my boots on. Hopefully, I can retire before I'm 60.

(as) different as night and day: to be very different; one person is the opposite of another.
Although they're brothers, they're as different as night and day.
do it blindfolded: to know something so well, one can perform the action without looking; to be very familiar with an action.
I've biked to work so many times over the years, I could probably do it blindfolded.*
*blindfold: a cloth or something similar that prevents sight.
do the legwork: to do all the necessary preparation work for something: making phone calls, making arrangements, researching, and traveling.
Michael will have to do a lot of legwork to prepare for his business meeting.
do unto others as you would have them do unto you: treat other people the way you want to be treated; also known as "the golden rule," this comes straight from the Bible.
Jesus advised that people live by the golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

do your own thing: do something that you enjoy doing
Instead of going out on a Friday night, George likes to do his own thing and play the cello.
don't hold your breath: to say that something is going to take a long time.
A: When is Luke going to get a regular job?
B: Don't hold your breath. He's happy working just 20 hours a week delivering pizza.
dose of one's own medicine: to receive punishment or treatment that was previously given to others.
Christine got a dose of her own medicine when her boyfriend, Tom, ignored her at the party.
down to the wire: close to a deadline; at the very end of a time period, something is finished.
It's down to the wire. We have to get these documents signed and delivered by tomorrow.
drag one's feet: to take a long time to do something; to be reluctant to act.
Victoria knows that Ted wants to marry her, but he's really dragging his feetin deciding when to do it.
drive a hard bargain: to negotiate skillfully and get what one wants.
Although Scott Perkins drives a hard bargain, he's tries to be fair to the people he does business with.
drive someone crazy: to make someone crazy; to cause worry.
The daily pressure from his job is starting to drive him crazy.
drop in the bucket: a very small amount within a large amount.
Tanya made another payment on her loan, but she owes so much money, the check she wrote was just a drop in the bucket.
drop the ball: to make a mistake. This is a sports metaphor, probably taken from football.
A: Your score on that test was terrible. What happened?
B: I don't know. I really dropped the ball, didn't I?
drunk as a skunk: very drunk; someone who has had too much alcohol.
Look at Henry! He can't drive home. He's drunk as a skunk.

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