terça-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2018

Confusing Words

                                    Resultado de imagem para confusing words in english

Confusing Word                           Meaning

Accept                   to take
Exceptto exclude, other than
Excessto much of something
Adviseto recommend
Affectto influence
Effectinfluence, to accomplish
Coursedirection, subject
Complementto complete
Complimentto praise
Fazeto daunt
Itsof it
It’sit is or it has
Leadto direct
Leada kind of metal
Loseto mislay
Passedwent by
Pastprevious time
Piecea part
Poreto study
Precedeto go before
Proceedto go ahead
Reinbridle of a horse, to control
Raiseto lift up
Razeto dear down
Citeto refer to
Theirof them
Therein that place
They’rethey are
Twoa number
Weatherstate of the atmosphere
Yourof you
You’reyou are
Aidto help or assist
AideA person who helps
Aloudspeaking loud
Allowedhaving permission
Ascentupward movement
Assentto agree to
Boarda long sheet of wood
Borednot interested
Bornnewly coming into life
Braketo stop
Breakto smash
Bynext to
Byefarewell or good bye

domingo, 21 de janeiro de 2018

American Popular Expressions "U"

                                                  Resultado de imagem para under lock and key

under lock and key: secure; safely protected.
She keeps her most important possessions under lock and key.
girl holding a key
under one's belt: resources and experience.

He has many years of experience working as an architect under his belt.
under one's nose: something unnoticed in front of a person.
Heidi was looking around for her stuffed animal, and it was right under her nose.
girl opening gifts
under someone's thumb: under another person's control.
He's got her under his thumb.
couple at theater
under the circumstances: during a time of distress; a time of difficulty.

We tried to talk to her about her deceased husband's estate and will, but under the circumstances, it wasn't a good time.
woman crying
under the influence: drunk or high
He was under the influence of a strong narcotic when the police found him lying in the street.
under the weather: a little sick
Hubert is feeling under the weathertoday, so he's not going to go to work.
man sick in bed
up and about: able to walk and do things after a sickness.
He's finally able to get up and about after his heart operation.
man gardening
up for grabs: something is available to the first person who takes it.
This last piece of pizza is up for grabs. Who wants it?
Hmmmm! Pizza.
up in the air: uncertain

A lot of things are up in the air right now for Mohammed and Fosiya. They're still trying to decide whether or not to get married.
hot air balloon
up to something: involved in some mischief.
What's he up to now?
boy with slingshot
up to one's ears: to have too much of something.
We're up to our ears in zucchini by the middle of summer.
use it or lose it: if you have something, you should use it or else it won't be available in the future.
A: He has great skill as a baseball player. He should play professionally.
B: Yeah, use it or lose it.
use one's head: to think clearly; to make good decisions.
She wasn't using her head when she got all those tattoos.
woman with tatoos
(a) vicious circle: something happens repeatedly.
She's stuck in a vicious circle at work.
vote with one's feet: to go to a new place; to move.
When the economy turned sour in Nevada, Alison and Chris voted with their feet and moved to Minnesota.
people walking