sábado, 1 de julho de 2017

American Popular Expressions "C"

                               Resultado de imagem para call it a day

call it a day: stop working; to decide to quit working and go home.
David called it a day and snuck out of the office a little after 3:00.

man leaving office
call someone's bluff: to suspect that someone is lying and put that suspicion to a test. (This expression comes from the game of poker)
I think you're lying, so I'm going to call your bluff.

can't make heads or tails of something: unable to see something clearly; something is indistinguishable from something else.
The uniforms worn by the athletes on the field were so similar, we couldn't make heads or tails of the players during the game.

can't see the forest for the trees: you can't see the entire forest because the trees are in the way. Something small prevents the view or understanding of something large.
Maritza gets too distracted by small problems at work. If she can't see the forest for the trees, she'll never get ahead in the company.

carrot and stick approach: a method of providing incentive for work; the carrot is a reward; the stick is a punishment.
The teacher uses a carrot and stick approach to make students turn work in on time.
carry the ball forward: take responsibility; take charge. (This is a sports metaphor.)
We need someone who is going to carry the ball forward and make sure this project gets finished.

cast in the same mold: made in the same way; resembling someone, usually a family member.
All the men in this family are cast in the same mold.
father and sons
cast the first stone: to be quick to punish or criticize someone. (This is a biblical reference.)
Don't be too quick to cast the first stone. She might have a good explanation for why the house is such a mess.
caught with (one's) pants down:found in an embarrassing situation.
Vincent tried to steal money from his own company, but one day he was caught with his pants down and promptly lost his job. Later he was sent to jail.
change horses in midstream: make a change in the middle of a situation, sometimes a bad situation.
It's not a good idea for our company to change horses in midstream with a new project manager. Let's see what happens in the next couple of months with the guy who's working for us now.

charity begins at home: Rather than give money to needy people you don't know, it might be better to give the money to friends, family, or oneself.

(the) chickens come home to roost:a problem or a person has returned to place where the problem may have started.
If troubled young people don't get a good education in preparation for the future, the chickens will surely come home to roost.

(a) chicken with its head cut off:when a live chicken has its head cut off, it runs around wildly for a brief time as if it were still alive because the nervous system is still active.
After losing her purse, she ran around like a chicken with its head cut offlooking in all the stores and other places that she had visited that day.
chief cook and bottle washer: an owner of a business who does all the various jobs within his or her company.
As chief cook and bottle washer, Edmund doesn't mind taking out the garbage at the restaurant that he owns.
chip off the old block: a son or a daughter who behaves in the same manner as a parent.
Matt could tell his son was a chip off the old block by the way the baby laughed and smiled.
father and son
chip on (one's) shoulder: to feel insecure about a situation or oneself; to be in a defensive mood.
Because of all her tattoos, she has a big chip on her shoulder and thinks she's discriminated against at work.
woman with tattoos
clean as a whistle: very clean.
The engine on this car is as clean as a whistle.
cleanliness is next to godliness: to be neat and clean is to be close to God.
Believing that cleanliness is next to godliness, Bruce makes sure that his apartment is spotless.
close but no cigar: very close, but not completely to the goal for a reward.
Wow! Close but no cigar. It looks like you lost the match.
golf ball
(the) coast is clear: there's no one around; it's safe to make an escape.
If the coast is clear, try to leave your hotel room and meet me in the lobby.
come again?: What did you say? Repeat that, please.
Come again? I'm sorry, we have a bad connection. I can't really hear what you said.
come in from the cold: return to a previous position; to come back.
David decided to come in from the cold after living in the mountains by himself for over ten years.
man shivering
come out of nowhere: to suddenly appear; to make a surprise appearance.
Ted thought he was going to win the race, but suddenly John came out of nowhere and pulled ahead.
go karts
come out of the closet: to admit that one belongs to a group; often used when someone admits to being homosexual.
It's a little easier now for a gay person to come out of the closet, but it still makes some people uncomfortable.
come to a screeching halt: to come to a quick stop.
Production of the machines came to a screeching halt when a manager found a defect causing safety concerns.
come with the territory: to be a natural or expected part or outcome of something.
Learning how to point and shoot a gun comes with the territory when you join the army.
cream of the crop: the best of something or a group. (crop = a plant grown for harvest, such as wheat.)
Only the cream of the crop will have an opportunity to attend school at Harvard.
cross someone's path: to meet someone unexpectedly; to run intosomeone.
Earlier today I crossed the path of a teacher I had in high school. I saw her in the park and we talked for a few minutes.
two people
cross that bridge when you come to it: to take care of a problem when it happens.
A: What will we do about retirement?
B: Well, we can cross that bridge when we come to it.
cry over spilled milk: to get upset about something relatively minor; to get upset about something that has already happened and can't be changed.
There's no need to cry over spilled milk. If you ripped your jacket, you can get it fixed.
spilled milk
curiosity killed the cat: curiosity will get someone in trouble; don't be too curious about something.cat
cut off one's nose to spite the face:to hurt oneself in order to get revenge or hurt another person.
You can cut off your nose to spite your face, but if you and Andrea don't make up and settle your differences, you might lose a really great friend.

quinta-feira, 29 de junho de 2017

American Popular Expressions "B"

                       Resultado de imagem para back to the drawing board

back to the drawing board: go back to the place where you started; to start over.
Our ideas were rejected, so it looks like we're back to the drawing board.

(the) ball is in (one's) court: this reference to tennis means that it's someone's turn to respond in a situation that goes back and forth.
We've made our offer. Now the ball is in their court.
we've made = we have made
tennis raquet
bang (one's) head against the wall: an expression used when someone is angry or frustrated.
He's tired of banging his head against the wall when working with difficult customers online.

bark is worse than (one's) bite: to look or sound mean or dangerous, but in reality be relatively harmless; not really dangerous.

Don't worry about Poco. He might look mean, but his bark is worse than his bite.

bark up the wrong tree: to waste one's time; to do something and not get a result.

You're barking up the wrong tree if you think I can help you. You'll have to ask someone else.

batten down the hatches: get ready for something bad or a serious situation.
Batten down the hatches. A big storm is coming.

be my guest: go ahead; it's okay; it's okay to use something that a person owns.
A: Do you mind if I try your guitar?
B: No, not at all. Be my guest.

be that as it may: this is true, but...
A: There's a big storm ahead of us.
B: Be that as it may, we're just going to have to drive right through it.
beat a dead horse: to make a point over and over again; to do something excessively without a result.
Trying to get an answer from that company is like beating a dead horse. They just won't return my calls.

beat someone at (one's) own game: to gain advantage over someone who is good at something or in a strong position.
Sarah thinks she can beat her older coworkers at their own game by making use of the internet to increase sales.

beat the living daylights out of someone: to defeat; to beat up
The U.S. military forces beat the living daylights out of the Taliban in Afghanistan.


been there, done that: to say that someone has already done something; to say that an experience is not new. (Be careful with this expression. It can sound a little rude.)
Oh, he's going to the Mall of America? Big deal. Been there, done that.

mall of america

begin to see the light: start to understand something.
Americans are beginning to see the light when it comes to global climate change.

better late than never: it's better to be late than not to show up at all.
Bob thought it was better to be late than never to meet Carol outside the movie theater. When he gave her some flowers, she forgave him for being so late.
"Better late than never."

better safe than sorry: it's better to do anything that will keep you safe rather than do nothing and take a risk.
Rhonda always wears her seat belt when she drives figuring it's better to be safe than sorry.
between a rock and a hard place: to be caught between two difficult situations; to make a decision between two possibly bad outcomes.

Henry was between a rock and a hard place when he had to decide whether to stay with his wife and kids or go serve in the military.

a big fish in a small pond: a person whose circle of friends or business acquaintances is very small, thereby inflating his or her feeling of importance.
Rodney would never move his business from Knoxville to New York City. He likes being a big fish in a small pond.
(the) bigger they come, the harder they fall: the larger the person or the thing, the more difficult it is to bring down. (This is usually used with people, but it can be used with things.)
Chopping down this tree is going to be a challenge. The bigger they come, the harder they fall.
You can find more expressions that use the word "big" on this page.
bite off more than (one) can chew: to try to do something that might be too difficult to accomplish.
 Gordon thought he could build the house all by himself, but it looks like he bit off more than he could chew.

bite the hand that feeds you: to hurt someone who helps you; to go against the person or thing that provides something necessary.
We were all surprised to hear Lisa say something so mean to her boss's face. It's not wise to bite the hand that feeds you.
blind leading the blind: to follow or lead people without necessary skills; to choose a bad leader.
It's hard to believe that they chose him as their new leader. It's like the blind leading the blind.
(be) born with a silver spoon in (one's) mouth: to be born rich.

He doesn't understand the financial difficulties faced by average people. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
breathe new life into something: to make something new again.
We're going to try to breathe new life into this old house by remodeling it.
bright-eyed and bushy tailed: ready to do something, especially early in the morning.
I don't feel bright-eyed and bushy tailed until I've had a couple cups of coffee in the morning.
bring (someone) into the world:to have a baby.
They can think of no greater responsibility than to bring a baby into the world.

Learn how to use the modal verb "can" by clicking here.
bucks stops here, the: the responsibility for decisions and results is found at the top of an organization. (originated by President Harry Truman and used by U.S. Presidents who have followed him.)
The buck stops here. If we lose money on this deal, I'll take the responsibility for the decision.
burn (one's) bridges: By burning your bridges, you are unable to go back to a previous position; you do or say something that makes it impossible to return to the situation before.
Victor was warned not to burn his bridges when he left his job to work at another company.
burn the candle at both ends:to work or play too much; not to get enough sleep because of activities.
Daryl thinks he can burn the candle at both ends, but because he stays up so late he's having a hard time getting things finished during the day.
busy as a beaver: beavers are known to work very hard at building their homes, and so it seems as if they're always working. When someone works very hard or is always busy, we say....
He's busy as a beaver.
by the skin of (one's) teeth: to finish something just in time; to reach a goal but just barely.
He made it on time to his meeting by the skin of his teeth.
* one's = my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their

quarta-feira, 28 de junho de 2017

American Popular Expressions "A"

                                     Resultado de imagem para ace in the hole expression                                         

ace in the hole: something you can rely on; a back-up plan.
The toy company is losing a lot of money, but their ace in the hole is a new game for children ages 8 and up.
(The first part of this sentence uses the present continuous tense.)
add fuel to the fire: make a bad situation worse.
When the man in the car behind him got too close, Tony slammed on his brakes, causing an accident. Then Tony got out of the car and smashed the man's headlights, which just added fuel to the fire.


add insult to injury: make someone feel worse than he or she already does.
Samantha's sprained ankle meant that she couldn't walk on it for a few days. Adding insult to injury, she was unable to go to her waitress job during the busiest week of the year.

people talking
ahead of (one's) time: a person whose ideas are beyond what is popular at the present.
His designs for a flying rocket chair show how far ahead of his time he is.
man flying through the air
all for the best: a situation that might not seem good at first, but it is actually okay.
Getting fired from his desk job was all for the best because he hated doing paperwork.

man at desk

all of the above: this is a reference to multiple choice tests in which the answers are A, B, C, or D. Sometimes the answer is not one choice but all four choices.
A: Should we go to a restaurant, go out to a nightclub, or go to Jim's party.
B: How about all of the above? We'll stay out all night!

girl taking a test
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy: a person who always works and never takes a break to do other things becomes dull and boring.
man using laptop
an eye for an eye: revenge; If you do something bad which hurts me, I'll do something to hurt you back.
Elias is a firm believer in "an eye for an eye," so don't mess with him.

an apple a day keeps the doctor away: if you eat an apple every day, or if you take care of yourself by eating right, you won't get sick and have to see the doctor.
asleep at the wheel / switch: falling asleep while driving or while working.
Because she fell asleep at the wheel, she lost control of her car and got into a big accident.

woman driving car
at your earliest convenience: do something when you have the opportunity. This is a very polite way of asking someone to do something soon.

woman reading
at one time or another: at some time during your life; something is inevitable.
Most people around the world have a chance to go to school at one time or another.

at the drop of a hat: to do something suddenly, usually at the request of someone else.
Matt answers his supervisor's calls at the drop of a hat.

business man
at this stage of the game: at this time in a person's life; a period of time.
He'd like to become a professional golfer, but at this stage of the game it might be difficult to go pro.

He'd like... = He would like...
avoid (something) like the plague: not to do something; to dislike something with intensity.
Jill's kids avoid broccoli like the plague.
AWOL (absent without leave): to leave one's position without permission. Popularly used for the military but also for any responsibility that a person walks away from.
As a soldier, Theodore got tired of killing other people, so he went AWOL.