terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2018
segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2018
Phrasal Verbs With "Take"
Take aback
- Meaning: Surprise or shock; to discomfit
- Example: The bad news took us aback.
Take after
- Meaning: To have similar character or personality to a family member
- Example: He takes after his mother.
Take against (UK)
- Meaning: Stop liking someone; to become unfriendly toward
- Example: He took against me when I was promoted over him.
Take apart
- Meaning: Separate something into its parts
- Example: I took the radio apart to find out what was wrong.
Take aside
- Meaning: Get someone alone to talk to them
- Example: I was immediately taken aside by the manager.
Phrasal Verbs with TAKE – “Take away” meaning.
Take away
- Meaning: Remove something and put it in a different place
- Example: Mother took our plates away and came back with some fruit for us to eat.
Take away
- Meaning: Remove something, either material or abstract, so that a person no longer has it
- Example: The teacher took my mobile phone away until the end of the lesson.
Take away
- Meaning: Subtract or diminish something
- Example: If I have five apples and you take away two, how many do I have left?
Take away
- Meaning: Leave a memory or impression in one’s mind that you think about later
- Example: I took away the impression that the play was under rehearsed.
Take away
- Meaning: Make someone leave a place and go somewhere else
- Example: The police took him away for questioning.
Take away
- Meaning: Prevent, or limit, someone from being somewhere, or from doing something
- Example: My job takes me away from home most weekends.
Take away from
- Meaning: Make something seem not so good or interesting
- Example: Even the rain couldn’t take away from the excitement of the match.
Take back
- Meaning: Retract an earlier statement
- Example: No, you are not fat; I take it all back.
Take back
- Meaning: Cause to remember some past event or time
- Example: That tune takes me back to my childhood.
Take back
- Meaning: Resume a relationship with someone
- Example: She has forgiven him, and taken him back.
Take back
- Meaning: Regain possession of something
- Example: The wedding is off, and he has taken back the ring.
Take back
- Meaning: Return something to a vendor for a refund
- Example: Take back faulty goods to the shop where you bought them.
Phrasal Verbs with TAKE – “Take down” meaning.
Take down
- Meaning: Remove something from a wall or similar vertical surface to which it is fixed
- Example: He took down the picture and replaced it with the framed photograph.
Take down
- Meaning: Remove something from a hanging position
- Example: We need to take down the curtains to be cleaned.
Take down
- Meaning: Write down as a note, especially to record something spoken
- Example: If you have a pen, you can take down my phone number.
Take down
- Meaning: Remove a temporary structure such as scaffolding
- Example: When everything else is packed, we can take down the tent.
Take down
- Meaning: Lower an item of clothing without removing it
- Example: The doctor asked me to take down my trousers.
Take for
- Meaning: Regard as
- Example: Does he take me for a fool?
Take for
- Meaning: Consider mistakenly
- Example: Sorry, I took you for someone else.
Take for
- Meaning: Defraud; to rip off
- Example: Pinkett angry that George betrayed trust, took him for $100K.
Take in
- Meaning: Receive (goods) into one’s home for the purpose of processing for a fee
- Example: In hard times, some women would take in washing and others dressmaking repairs.
Take in
- Meaning: Shorten (a garment) or make it smaller
- Example: Try taking the skirt in a little around the waist.
Take in
- Meaning: Absorb or comprehend
- Example: I was so sleepy that I hardly took in any of the lecture.
Take in
- Meaning: Deceive, give a false impression
- Example: Everyone was taken in by his practical joke.
Take it away
- Meaning: Begin, especially used to launch a performance of some sort (usually imperative and/or exclamatory) I’d like to introduce Mumbo the
- Example: Magnificent and his dancing parrot, Tiddles. Take it away, Mumbo!
Take it out in
- Meaning: Accept as payment
- Example: I convinced him to take it out in barter instead of cash.
Take it out on
- Meaning: Unleash one’s anger on [a person or thing other than the one that caused it]
- Example: Don’t take it out on your husband if you had trouble with your boss at work.
Take it upon oneself
- Meaning: Assume personal responsibility for a task or action
- Example: She took it upon herself to manage the project.
Phrasal Verbs with TAKE – “Take off” meaning.
Take off
- Meaning: To remove something, usually clothing or accessories
- Example: It was hot so I took my jacket off.
Take off
- Meaning: Imitate, often in a satirical manner
- Example: They love to take off all the politicians’ mannerisms.
Take off
- Meaning: Leave the ground and begin flight; to ascend into the air
- Example: The plane has been cleared to take off from runway 3.
Take off
- Meaning: Become successful, to flourish
- Example: The business has really taken off this year and has made quite a profit.
Take off
- Meaning: Depart
- Example: I’m going to take off now.
Take off
- Meaning: Quantify
- Example: I’ll take off the concrete and steel for this construction project.
Take off
- Meaning: Absent oneself from work or other responsibility, especially with permission
- Example: If you take off for Thanksgiving you must work Christmas and vice versa.
Take on
- Meaning: Acquire, bring in, or introduce
- Example: The ship took on cargo in Norfolk yesterday.
Take on
- Meaning: Begin to have or exhibit
- Example: In the dark, the teddy bear took on the appearance of a fearsome monster.
Take on
- Meaning: Assume responsibility for
- Example: I’ll take on the project if no one else will.
Take on
- Meaning: Attempt to fight or compete with
- Example: I don’t recommend taking on that bully, since he’s bigger than you are.
Take out
- Meaning: Remove
- Example: Please take out the trash before the whole house starts to smell.
Take out
- Meaning: Invite someone out socially, especially on a date
- Example: Let me take you out for dinner.
Phrasal Verbs with TAKE – “Take over” meaning.
Take over
- Meaning: Adopt a responsibility or duty from someone else
- Example: He will take over the job permanently when the accountant retires.
Take over
- Meaning: Relieve someone temporarily
- Example: If you will take over driving, I’d like to get some sleep.
Take over
- Meaning: Buy out the ownership of a business
- Example: Acme Motors is to take Jetcar Industries over this week, if all goes as planned.
Take over
- Meaning: Annex a territory by conquest or invasion
- Example: Ancient Rome took over lands throughout the known world.
Take over
- Meaning: Become more successful (than someone or something else)
- Example: Tiger Woods has taken over as the top golfer.
Take pity
- Meaning: Show compassion (towards)
- Example: Someone please take pity on that homeless man in the rain and give him a place to stay overnight.
Take to
- Meaning: Adapt to; to learn, grasp or master
- Example: She took to swimming like a fish.
Take to
- Meaning: Enter; to go into or move towards
- Example: As the train rushed through, thousands of birds took to the air at once.
Take to
- Meaning: Begin, as a new habit or practice
- Example: After the third one was rejected, she took to asking the department to check the form before she submitted it.
Phrasal Verbs with TAKE – “Take up” meaning.
Take up
- Meaning: Pick up
- Example: The reel automatically took up the slack.
Take up
- Meaning: Begin doing (an activity) on a regular basis
- Example: I’ve taken up knitting.
Take up
- Meaning: Address (an issue)
- Example: Let’s take this up with the manager.
Take up
- Meaning: Occupy; to consume (space or time)
- Example: The books on finance take up three shelves.
Take up
- Meaning: Shorten by hemming
- Example: If we take up the sleeves a bit, that shirt will look much better on you.
Take up
- Meaning: Accept (a proposal, offer, request, etc.) from
- Example: Shall we take them up on their offer to help us move?
Take up
- Meaning: Resume
- Example: Let’s take up where we left off.
Take up with
- Meaning: Form a close relationship with (someone)
- Example: I hear that John has taken up with Jane.
Take upon oneself
- Meaning: Assume personal responsibility for
- Example: That’s an awful lot of work to take upon yourself.
Take through
- Meaning: Explain something; give a tour of a place
- Example: Stop by, and I’ll take you through the new headquarters.
segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2018
Answers to Common English Questions
Answers to Common English Questions
- Question: What’s your name?
– My name is Sophia.
– I’m Liam.
- Question: Where are you from?
– I’m from France.
– I come from The USA.
- Question: Where do you live?
Answer: I live in Las Vegas.
- Question: How old are you?
– I’m 26 years old.
– I’m 28.
- Question: When is your birthday?
Answer: My birthday is on January 1st.
- Question: What is your phone number?
Answer: My phone number is 61709832145.
- Question: What’s your email address?
Answer: It’s liam123@gmail.com.
- Question: What do you do?/ What’s your job?
– I’m a student.
– I work in a bank.
– I’m unemployed at the moment.
– I work as a tour guide for a local tour company.
- Question: What line of work are you in?
Answer: I work in sales.
- Question: What company do you work for?
Answer: I work for an investment bank.
- Question: What religion are you ?
Answer: I am a Christian.
- Question: What is your marital status?
– I’m married.
– I’m single.
- Question: Are you married?
– Yes! I am.
– No , but looking for someone special.
- Question: Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend?
– I have a boyfriend/ girlfriend.
– I’m not dating anyone.
- Question: How many children do you have?
– I have 2 children.
– I do not have any children.
- Question: Do you have any siblings?
– I don’t have any siblings.
– I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters.
- Question: Who do you live with?
– I live with my wife and children.
– I live with my parents.
- Question: What time do you get up?
Answer: I usually get up at 5.30am.
- Question: When do you do morning exercises?
Answer: I often do morning exercises at 6am.
- Question: What time do you have breakfast?
Answer: I have breakfast at 6.30am.
- Question: What time do you go to bed?
Answer: I go to bed at 11pm.
- Question: What’s your hobby?
– I like playing football, reading books, skateboarding, swimming.
– I am interested in playing the guitar.
– My hobbies are listening to music, dancing, playing tennis and collecting coins.
- Question: What’s your favorite food?
Answer: My favorite food is Spaghetti.
- Question: What’s your favorite color?
Answer: My favorite color is green.
- Question: What’s your favorite drink?
Answer: My favorite drink is beer.
- Question: What kinds of films do you like?
Answer: I am really interested in horror and action film.
- Question: Did you like the movie?
Answer: It’s one of the best I’ve ever seen.
- Question: Where do you study?
Answer: I am a student at Stanford University.
- Question: What time do you go to school?
Answer: I go to school at 6.40am.
- Question: How do you get to school?
Answer: I usually take the bus.
- Question: What is your major?
Answer: My major is Computer Science.
- Question: Why do you study English?/ Why are you studying English?
– Because It’s very important and necessary.
– Because I love to improve my English skills.
- Question: What do you want to do after you graduate?
– I would like to be a software engineer.
– I want to be a programmer.
- Question: How did you learn English?
– I took classes for three years.
– I did an intensive course.
– I’ve been studying by myself.
– I picked it up from movies and songs.
– My friend taught me.
- I had a private teacher.
- Question: How many languages do you speak?
Answer: I speak two languages.
- Question: Can you speak English?
– I can speak English very well.
– I can express myself and communicate in English.
- Question: How long have you been learning English?
– I’ve been learning English since I was 6.
– I’ve been learning English for 10 years.
- Question: Which grade are you in?
Answer: I’m in the 8th grade.
- Question: Which year are you in?
– I’m in my third year.
– I am a freshman.
– I’m in my final year.
- Question: Do you have any exams coming up?
Answer: I’ve just graduated.
- Question: What’s your favorite subject?
Answer: My favorite subject is arts.
- Question: What’s the weather like?/ How’s the weather?
– It is raining.
– It is hot and windy.
- Question: What’s the temperature?
Answer: It’s 24°C. It's 75ºF.
- Question: What time is it?
– It is 4 o’clock.
– It is half past three.
– I’m sorry. I don’t know.
– Let me check my phone.
- Question: What’s the date today?
Answer: It's the 17th . It's August 17th.
- Question: How are you?
– I’m fine thank you. How about you?
– Not too good. But I’ll be okay.
What's u?! Not much!
- Question: Where are you going?
Answer: I’m going to the store. I need to buy something.
- Question: What are you going to do today?
Answer: I’m going shopping.
- Question: What are you doing?
– I am reading a book.
– I am washing dishes.
- Question: Where would you like to go?
Answer: I would like to go to the zoo.
- Question: What’s the matter?
– I’m not feeling so good.
– Nothing, I’m fine.
- Question: Is there anything I can do to help?
Answer: Everything will be OK.
- Question: What’s on your mind?
– I am just thinking.
– I was just daydreaming.
– It’s none of your business.
- Question: What did you do last night?
– I watched TV.
– I cooked pasta and soup.
- Question: What are you going to do tomorrow?
Answer: I’m going to play volleyball at the beach.
- Question: What sports can you play?
Answer: I can play tennis, basketball, football.
- Question: Can you give me a hand?
– No problem.
– I’m afraid I can’t.
- Question: Could you do me a favor?
Answer: I’d be happy to help you.
- Question: Could you please give me that book?
Answer: Sure.
- Question: Would you mind opening the window?
Answer: It would be my pleasure.
- Question: How can I help you?/ May I help you?
Answer: Yes! I’m looking for a sweater.
- Question: Can I try it on?
Answer: Sure, the changing rooms are over there.
- Question: Can I try it on somewhere?
Answer: The fitting room is in the left corner.
- Question: What size do you wear?
Answer: Medium should be fine.
- Question: What size do you take?
Answer: I take a size 11.
- Question: Is that a good fit?
– It’s a little too small.
– It’s just right.
- Question: Have you got something bigger?
Answer: Of course, we’ve got larger sizes as well.
- Question: How much is it?/ How much does it cost?
Answer: It’s 11 dollars.
- Question: How would you like to pay?
Answer: I would like to pay by cash.
- Question: Can I pay by credit card?
Answer: Certainly. We accept all the major cards.
- Question: Do you need anything else?
Answer: No, thanks.
- Question: How are you feeling?
– Great! Never better.
– Really awful.
- Question: How was the party?
– It was a good time.
– Boring. I couldn’t wait to get outta there.
- Question: Are you ready to order?
– We need a few more minutes.
– I’d like a cake, please!
- Question: Would you like chicken or pasta?
Answer: I’ll have the chicken.
- Question: What would you like to drink?
– Iced tea, please.
– Nothing for me, thanks.
- Question: Did you save room for dessert?
– No, thank you. I am full.
– Yes, please. Can I see the list?
- Question: How does it taste?
Answer: It’s delicious!
- Question: Can I get you anything else?
– No, thank you.
– I’m ready for the bill/check, please.
– Yes, can I see the dessert menu?
- Question: How do you like this event?
Answer: I really like it! What do you think?
- Question: Are you here with anybody?
Answer: I came with my best friend.
- Question: Have you got a pet?
Answer: I’ve got a puppy.
- Question: How's it going?
Answer: It's going fine. how about you?
- Question: What’s this?
Answer: This is a pencil.
- Question: What does she look like?
Answer: She’s tall and slim with blonde hair.
- Question: How is she?
Answer: She’s pretty.
- Question: What is he like?
Answer: He is very smart and brave.
- Question: Are you hungry?
– Yes. I’m starving.
– No. I’m full.
- Question: How do you feel about him?
Answer: He is quite friendly and helpful.
- Question: May I open the window?
Answer: Certainly. It’s very hot in the office today!
- Question: Do you need any help?
– No, I’m good. Thanks for asking.
– Yes, please, if you don’t mind.
- Question: What do you do every day?
Answer: I listen to music and play soccer.
- Question: What are you planning to do today?
Answer: I’m not sure yet.
- Question: What are you planning for after work?
Answer: I’m going shopping with my friends.
- Question: Are you free tomorrow?
– Yes, I am.
– No, sorry. Maybe next time.
- Question: Will you join me for coffee?
– I’d love to. Thanks.
– Sorry. I’m afraid I don’t have time.
- Question: Could we have lunch together one day?
– With pleasure.
– I’d love to but I’m very busy at the moment.
- Question: Would you like to have dinner with me?
Answer: Yes. That would be nice.
- Question: Where do you want to go?
Answer: I’d like to go to a Japanese restaurant.
- Question: Would you like to come to the cinema with me tonight?
– Sure, I’d love to.
– Sorry, I can’t. I’ve got other plans.
- Question: Would you like to play a round of golf this weekend?
– That would be great.
– I’d like to but I’m not free this weekend.
- Question: How about coming to the barbecue at the tennis club?
– Sure! That should be fun!
– Nice of you to ask me but I’ve got an appointment.
- Question: Have you been waiting long?
– I’ve just arrived.
– Only a few minutes.
- Question: How do you get to work?
Answer: I usually drive my car.
- Question: Is it close to the subway station?
Answer: Yes, it’s very close.
- Question: How long does it take?
Answer: It takes half an hour.
- Question: How often do you ride the bus?
Answer: Once in a while.
- Question: Could you tell me how to get to the police station?
– Take the second road on the right.
– It’s in the middle of the block.
- Question: Excuse me! Is there a bank near here?
– Yes! There is a bank nearby.
– I’m sorry, I don’t know
- Question: What’s the best way to the museum?
– Go across the bridge. Turn right. It’s on Oliver Street.
– You could ask the bus driver.
- Question: Can I speak to Emma, please?
– Just a moment, please.
– Certainly. I’m Emma.
– I’m sorry, Emma’s not here at the moment.
– She’s not available right now.
- Question: When will she be back?
Answer: She’ll be back in 20 minutes.
- Question: Did you get my message?
– Yes, I did get your message.
– Oh, yeah, I think I got something from you.
- Question: Would you like to leave a message?
Answer: Please ask her to call me back.
- Question: How long have you been working here?
Answer: I’ve been working here for five years.
- Question: What time does the meeting start?
Answer: The meeting starts at 9am.
- Question: What time does the meeting finish?
Answer: The meeting finishes at 11am.
- Question: Are you sick?
Answer: Yes. I’m very sick.
- Question: What are your symptoms?
– I’ve got a headache.
– I’ve been feeling sick.
- Question: How long have you been feeling like this?
Answer: For 2 days.
- Question: Are you on any sort of medication?
Answer: No. I need a sick note.
- Question: Where’s the counter, please?
– I don’t know. Let’s ask forsome information.
– It’s over here, next to gate 7.
- Question: May I have your passport, please?
Answer: Yes, of course. Here you are.
- Question: Do you have anything to declare?
Answer: No, nothing. Just the normal allowance.
- Question: Do you have any bags to check?
Answer: Yes, there’s this suitcase.
- Question: Would you prefer an aisle seat or a window seat?
Answer: Aisle, please.
- Question: What’s the purpose of your trip?
– I’m here on business.
– I’m on vacation.
- Question: Where are you going to be staying?
Answer: With some friends in the Sheraton Hotel.
- Question: How long are you staying in Sheraton?
Answer: About 2 weeks.
- Question: Could you tell me where Gate E is?
– Go straight ahead.
– I’m sorry, I don’t know.
- Question: Can I help you find something?
Answer: Yes, I’m looking for coffee.
- Question: Could you tell me where the meat is?
Answer: If you go to the frozen food section, you’ll find the meat there.
- Question: Where can I find the non-fat cookies?
Answer: They’re in aisle 9.
- Question: How much would you like?
– I’d like half a kilo/ 1.10 lb.
– I’d like 200 grams/0.440 lb of meat please.
- Question: Can you offer me any discount?
– I can’t offer you that discount.
– I’m sure I could offer you a discount.
- Question: Do you need any help packing?
Answer: I can manage myself thank you.
- Question: Would you like a receipt?
– Yes, thanks.
– That would be great.
- Question: What time are you open?
Answer: We’re open from 8am to 9pm, seven days a week.
- Question: What time do you open?
Answer: We open at 9am.
- Question: What time do you close?
Answer: We close at 6pm.
- Question: Do you have a reservation?
– Yes, I do.
– No, I don’t.
- Question: What kind of room would you like?
Answer: I’d like a single room, please.
- Question: May I see your ID, please?
Answer: Certainly. Here it is.
- Question: Could I see the room?
– Your room is on the second floor.
– Your room number is 401.
- Question: Do you have a credit card, sir?
Answer: Of course.
- Question: How long will you be staying?
– Two weeks from this Monday.
– I’m here until the end of the week.
- Question: Do you have any rooms available for the 14th of April?
Answer: I’m sorry, we don’t have any rooms available.
- Question: How many places have you traveled to?
Answer: Well, I have visited all the provinces throughout my country.
- Question: Have you ever been abroad?
Answer: Yes! I have. I went to Japan last year for a business trip.
- Question: What do you usually do during your trip?
Answer: I often go sightseeing, take pictures.
- Question: Do you prefer traveling by car, train or plane?
Answer: I prefer the plane although it is a little expensive.
- Question: Do you prefer traveling alone or joining a guided tour?
Answer: I love backpacking with my friends.
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